More than 106,000 visitors from 166 countries made their way to Munich to be part of Intersolar this year, this made The smarter E Europe 2023 the largest and most international event in its history to date, setting the course for a 24/7 renewable energy supply.

We are so pleased that we were able to be part of it!

We arouse the public's curiosity with our products!

The majority of the people we’ve met during the trade fair were all asking us the same question: “what are you doing here?”

The answer is quite simple: we make your products shine! 

Thanks to customers like Esdec who brought the demo bag to the trade fair, we were able to show everyone what we’re bringing to the table. Most of them were absolutely amazed by the possibilities that it implied.

They directly imagined working with our bags on a daily basis: being able to carry, protect and present their solar mounting systems is something that they didn’t think through before.

From solar mounting to photovoltaic systems, we are here to work with your products.

Thank you to all visitors and to Intersolar

#Intersolar #ees #pv #battery #energy #Conexio-PSE #SolarPower #bagpro #bagforpro #bagforprofessional #solarmountingsystems #photovoltaic